Children really do need a Mom AND a Dad

    God made men to be men and women to be women.

    Before Mass on Sunday, I was upset that everyone kept knocking on my bathroom door (as I was trying to get ready)...instead of bugging their father.

    I finally asked...what gives? We are going to be late to Mass and I really should show up dressed!

    One kid wasn't feeling well (nothing big) and just wanted to confide in me..yet I answered impatiently through the other side of the door.

    I felt horrible...I apologized and gave him a hug.

    Mother's are the HEART. Our kids instinctively know this.

    Dad was sitting in the bus, laying on the horn.

    Dad's are the HEAD...even when it's annoying 🤣

    We arrived at Mass, late. I felt horrible...prayed an Act of Contrition and total peace washed over me.

    Thank you Jesus, for making us to compliment each other.

    Children really do need a mom and a dad ♡

    I made a short recording for you, below.

    Love and blessings...Your sister in Christ, Wendy


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