My 5 Rules for Sanity

    My 5 Rules for Sanity...

    I LIVE TRANSPARENTLY. I know I’m not one is. I pledged several years ago to be totally transparent in everything I do. You will not be able to pull out any "drawer" in my life and find something hidden.

    I AM CAREFUL WHO I LET INTO MY LIFE. I don’t just let anyone into my's just not safe or prudent. Yes, I am blessed with many friends, but I have a very tight inner circle. What I have found is that it’s a lot harder getting people out of your life than letting them in.

    I TRULY DON'T CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK OR SAY ABOUT ME. If I'm doing God's Will, why should I care? Am I perfect? Heck, no! I care about being the best version of me and yes, I mess up...that's what Confession is for. After that, who cares? You simply cannot control the thoughts (and mouths) of others....move along.

    NO GOSSIP ALLOWED. First of all, it is a sin. Second of all, I won’t go there. Third, I won't listen. If that person is not here and able to defend themselves, I don't want to hear it. And remember, those who gossip to you will gossip about you.

    STOP, DROP & PRAY. Spend time in prayer with God. He's the Captain of my ship and directs & guides me. The world is your ship not your home, as St. Therese once said. Make sure you have the right captain to guide you to your final destination ♡

    Love and Blessings, Wendy C.

    "Healing Mind, Body & Soul"


    ( PS...Please, come join me daily over at: I love interacting with everyone!)



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