We got a call during Mass today to head to the hospital asap!

    We got a call during Mass today to head to the hospital asap!





    Dear family,


    We were at Mass this morning and as usual Walt and I left our cell phones in the vehicle.

    During Mass, my 19 year old (who keeps his in his pocket), leaned over and whispered "Mom, Weston is in the Emergency Room and needs you!"

    My heart nearly stopped, and I looked up at the tabernacle and prayed a quick "Jesus, mercy..let him be ok!"

    We left immediately and got into the vehicle and headed to the hospital.

    He was in an accident last night (which I never knew about) and woke up in great pain.

    When I entered the room, I could see a look of fear and pain in his eyes (which tears at a mothers heart).

    He may be an adult, but they are still your babies.

    To make a long story short, he will be okay! Praise Jesus!

    Jesus has protected my children over and over!


    Last month, one of my boys was in a head-on collision that totaled his car and walked away with only a few bruises!

    I am forever grateful!

    I am waiting for all the adrenaline to wear off...while I prepare to pray a rosary in thanksgiving!

    Kindly, keep our family in your prayers as the evil one is throwing attacks, left and right.




    I put up an item I cherish in order to raise funds for the families we help.  If it is does not show up for you, it is because it is gone.

    Hurry, and see it before it's gone

    See HERE



    Can we get just 5 more meals provided today?

    See HERE





    Sending our love and prayers to our remnant family...

    Wendy, Walt and the entire Cukierski family

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